In the heart of the Mulungwa Coal Mine, Christmas came early last year as African Power Coal Limited (APC) orchestrated a festive celebration that left the community of Mulungwa Village beaming with joy and gratitude. The festive gathering marked not…
Introduction: At African Power Coal Limited, we firmly believe in the importance of giving back to the communities in which we operate. Last year, we undertook a significant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative that exemplified our commitment to making a…
No matter the situation attached to it, relocation has never been easy. Mining companies across the globe face a number of challenges when it comes to moving a community from the location where new operations are commencing. They not only…
In order to maximize value for its shareholders, Zambia’s base mineral potential is being explored, found, and developed by African Power Coal Limited (APCL), a Zambian firm which is actively engaging in community and adopting sustainable business practices whenever possible.…