Empowering Communities: Mulungwa Coal Mine Builds a Church in Mulungwa Village


At African Power Coal Limited, we firmly believe in the importance of giving back to the communities in which we operate. Last year, we undertook a significant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative that exemplified our commitment to making a positive impact beyond coal mining. We are delighted to share the story of how we constructed a beautiful church in Mulungwa Village, located in the Sinazongwe District of Southern Province, Zambia. This project not only provided a place of worship but also included the donation of essential items, such as 150 chairs, a music system, and microphones, enhancing the spiritual experience for the congregation.

Fostering Faith and Unity:

Mulungwa Village holds a special place in our hearts, and we wanted to contribute to the community’s spiritual growth and unity. Recognizing the need for a dedicated space for worship, we embarked on the construction of a church that would serve as a beacon of hope, faith, and togetherness. The project involved careful planning, collaboration with local authorities, and the active participation of our dedicated team.


A House of Worshp:

The completion of the church represents a significant milestone for both our company and the Mulungwa community. The new church building stands proudly, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the region while providing a safe and welcoming environment for worship. The construction process focused on incorporating local architectural elements and sustainable building practices, ensuring a structure that can withstand the test of time.

Enhancing the Worship Experience:

In addition to the church building, we recognized the importance of providing the congregation with the necessary amenities for a meaningful worship experience. As part of our commitment, we donated 150 chairs, offering comfortable seating for worshipers. Furthermore, we provided a state-of-the-art music system and microphones to enhance the spiritual atmosphere, enabling the community to express their devotion through music and song.

Gratitude and Collaboration:

We are immensely grateful to the Mulungwa community for their warm embrace and cooperation throughout this endeavor. Their support and involvement played a crucial role in the successful completion of the project. We also extend our gratitude to the local authorities for their guidance and partnership, enabling us to bring this vision to life.

Continuing Our Commitment:

At African Power Coal Limited, we understand that our responsibility extends beyond coal mining. We are dedicated to nurturing the communities in which we operate and leaving a positive, lasting impact. The Mulungwa church project exemplifies our ongoing commitment to improving the lives of those around us. We remain steadfast in our dedication to corporate social responsibility and seek opportunities to support and uplift communities throughout the country.


The construction of the church in Mulungwa Village stands as a testament to our company’s core values and our commitment to making a meaningful difference. Through this CSR initiative, we have not only built a place of worship but also contributed to the cultural and spiritual well-being of the Mulungwa community. As we move forward, we will continue to explore avenues for positive change and actively engage in projects that empower communities, making a lasting impact that goes beyond the realm of coal mining.

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