African Power Coal Limited – A Commitment to Sustainable Mining Practices


In a significant step towards promoting sustainable mining practices, African Power Coal Limited recently had the privilege of hosting Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, Minister of Green Economy and Environment, alongside Dr. Douty Chibamba, the Permanent Secretary, and officials from Zambia Environmental Management Agency at our Mulungwa coal mine. The visit not only reaffirmed the significance of responsible mining but also inspired us to address areas of concern highlighted by the authorities.

The presence of government authorities at our coal mine is an essential aspect of our operations. Such visits provide an opportunity for us to engage in constructive dialogue with key stakeholders in the field of environmental management and sustainable development. We believe that fostering open communication and transparent cooperation with relevant authorities is instrumental in fostering a responsible mining industry.

Taking Note of Areas of Concern

During the ministerial visit, we welcomed valuable insights and observations from Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu and his team. Their expertise and guidance were invaluable as they shared their perspectives on environmental protection and sustainable resource management. We took note of the areas of concern highlighted by the esteemed minister and his team, and we consider these points to be crucial inputs for our ongoing efforts to enhance our sustainable mining practices.

Our Commitment to Improvement

At African Power Coal Limited, we are fully committed to addressing the areas of concern raised during the visit. Our team of experts is diligently working to implement innovative solutions that align with the principles of environmental stewardship. We understand the significance of safeguarding the environment while meeting the nation’s energy demands, and it remains our topmost priority.

Advancing Sustainable Mining Practices

As a responsible coal mining company, we acknowledge the global shift towards sustainable development and the need to minimize the environmental impact of our operations. To this end, we are continuously investing in cutting-edge technologies and best practices that reduce our ecological footprint. From stringent waste management systems to eco-friendly reclamation efforts, we aim to set new industry standards for sustainable mining.


The ministerial visit to our coal mine in Mulungwa was an incredibly significant event for African Power Coal Limited. We were honored to welcome Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, Dr. Douty Chibamba, and officials from the Zambia Environmental Management Agency. Their visit reaffirmed our dedication to sustainable mining practices, and we are actively working on the areas of concern highlighted during the visit. As we move forward, we remain committed to environmental stewardship and ensuring that our mining operations contribute positively to the nation’s green economy.

Together, let us forge a path towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious future.


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